The Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time

Forget Christmas movies and Oscar dramas. The holiday box office belongs to science fiction films.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” is leading the charge, with expected weekend box office totals north of $120 million in the U.S. That film will face competition later in December with the release of “Passengers” — the sci-fi romance movie starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. And not to be overlooked is the alien thriller “Arrival,” which has brought in more than $130 million worldwide since its November release.
To celebrate the slew of new sci-fi films, PrettyFamous, an entertainment data site by Graphiq, decided to find the best films of the genre. To do so, the data experts looked at all science fiction movies with over 10,000 IMDb votes and ranked them on their Smart Rating — a score out of 100 that takes into account a movie’s IMDb rating, Rotten Tomatoes’ Tomatometer and Audience Score, Gracenote rating, Metacritic Metascore and the inflation-adjusted U.S. box office gross. In the event of a tie, movies with the higher box office gross were favored.
The ranking features historic classics like 1927’s “Metropolis,” as well as modern greats like “Gravity.” While you’ve probably seen “Star Wars” a million times, there are lesser-known gems like “Solaris” and “Children of Men” to satisfy your sci-fi craving.
Note: Movie descriptions are sourced (with minor edits) from Gracenote. Only movies released before Nov. 18, 2016 were considered.


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