US '100%' behind Japan after N Korea missile launch
Donald Trump holds a joint news conference with Shinzo Abe following the missile launch
"I just want everybody to understand, and fully know, that the United States of America is behind Japan, our great ally, 100%," Mr Trump said at a news conference with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Mr Abe denounced the launch as "absolutely intolerable".
The missile - launched at around 7.55am local time from Banghyon air base in the western province of North Pyongan Province - flew about 310 miles east towards the Sea of Japan before it dropped into water, the South Korean defence ministry said.
It is the first time the isolated state has tested such a device since Mr Trump took office.
"It is believed that today's missile launch... is aimed at drawing global attention to the North by boasting its nuclear and missile capabilities," the South's defence ministry said in a statement.
"It is also believed that it was an armed provocation to test the response from the new US administration under President Trump."
Donald Trump says he views the North Korea threat as 'a very, very high priority'
The Pentagon said the projectile was a medium- or intermediate-range ballistic missile.
launch never posed a threat to North America, it added, but did not
state whether it believed the launch had been a success or failure.
The South Korean military said it suspected the North might have been testing a intermediate-range Musudan missile.
Last October, North Korea test-fired Musudan missiles twice from the same air base.
Kim Jong-Un's North Korea is said to have fired the missile early on Sunday
The Pentagon said the projectile was a medium- or intermediate-range ballistic missile.
launch never posed a threat to North America, it added, but did not
state whether it believed the launch had been a success or failure.
The South Korean military said it suspected the North might have been testing a intermediate-range Musudan missile.
Last October, North Korea test-fired Musudan missiles twice from the same air base.
The North has conducted two nuclear tests and a number of missile-related tests at an unprecedented rate since early last year.
Korean leader Kim Jong-Un said in his New Year speech that the country
was close to test-launching an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
and state media have said such a launch could come at any time.
But President Trump shot back on Twitter, saying "It won't happen".
move prompted a vow of an "overwhelming" response from US Defence
Secretary James Mattis when he travelled to South Korea earlier this
The latest missile test comes after Mr Trump assured Mr Abe, who has
been on a visit to the US, that Washington was committed to the security
of its key Asian ally.
"We will work together to promote our
shared interests, of which we have many, in the region, including
freedom from navigation and defending against the North Korean missile
and nuclear threat, both of which I consider a very, very high
priority," Mr Trump said on Friday.
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